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Sexual Offenders and Predators Search
Sexual Offenders and Predators Search
 Charting Course for Public Safety - Image
Charting a course for public safety
Charting a course for public safety
Report Suspicious Activity
Please describe the suspicious activity (provide the email address and/or Internet identifier and provider in question)

Florida has a broad public records law under Florida Chapter 119. Emails sent to the Enforcement and Investigative Support Bureau may be a public record subject to disclosure. If you would like to report information anonymously, please call our toll-free hotline. 1-888-357-7332. You may also contact your local law enforcement agency to report any suspicious online activity.
Suspicious Activity Help Information
Please provide FDLE with as many details regarding the suspicious activity as possible. Be sure to include details such as email or Internet identifier in question, Internet identifier provider, date/time of incident, location of incident (chat room, message board, etc.), who was involved, and what was said/done.